26 September 2010

Followers of our Blog

Thanks to our followers of our Blog we are glad you have become our friends here.
We hope to keep you posted on anything happening anything new and anything worth seeing, visiting or doing.
It would be good to have many followers here and some already have become our friends.
If you have articles that you would like us to post please send is the text we will view it and reply to you with an answer.
THANKS for following and we welcome more...

21 September 2010

New Wrecks of The Black Sea

We started at 8.30am from Varna harbour. We was boarding a fishing vessel to search for a new found wreck 15 miles off shore.

There was around twenty divers aboard the boat some with twin-sets some with just one cylinder.
The dive was to find a wreck newly discovered by 4 guys from Bulgaria the day before.
It is suspected to be a WW1 German submarine of 1st or 2nd class. These subs were shore based rapid attack submarines.
The wreck lies in 35m depth. We were to dive in teams of 4 divers for 20 minutes each team.
The visibility wasn't excellent maybe 3-4 mtrs. But this dive was interesting as every wreck diver loves finding new and undiscovered wrecks to dive.
There will be many of these such wrecks in the Black Sea, I was just lucky to be invited to dive this one.
The trip was funded by the Bulgarian Government and made so we could bring information on the wreck to be used.
The day prior to us diving the 4 divers, Orlin a journalist and technical diver, Mitko also technical diver and two other Bulgarians found this wreck and lifted a 37mm deck mounted gun to the surface.
This gun had a brass plaque on its surface that read "Bethlehem 1903".
I have researched this stamp and found it to be made in USA at Bethlehem Steel Co.
The gun will be displayed in Varna museum for all to see.
Orlin is collecting information on new wrecks for I believe a portfolio of Black Sea Wrecks, this will make for an interesting read when completed. I hope I get the chance to help with some more Black Sea finds. Thanks guys.

12 September 2010

Spinal Cord Injury, Sponshorship needed.

The individual affected will lose muscle and sensory control and the vast majority become full time wheelchair users for the rest of their lives. Historically, the majority of spinal cord injuries have been sustained by those aged 15 to 40, with men outnumbering women, although increasingly it is affecting more older people too.

Through its projects and programmes, Aspire offers practical support to the 40,000 people living with a spinal cord injury in the UK so that they can lead fulfilled and independent lives in their homes, with their families, in work-places and leisure time.

One of my friends and fellow CDG "The Cave Divng Group of Great Britain" member is attempting to swim the equivelent of  'The English Channel' 22 miles. Her name, Miss Elaine Hill..

You can help as I am by donating to her super task that she has in swimming 'The English Channel' albeit in the safety of her local swimming pool, we wish her all the luck in completing this task ahead.
You can donate following this link http://www.justgiving.com/Elaine-A-S-Hill


03 September 2010

Bulgarian hospitality seems endless

Can’t stop wondering at Bulgarian people’s friendliness! If you go to somebody’s house they always will pour you a glass of rakia and give lots of tomatoes and cucumbers from their own garden. If you have a coffee in a café with a Bulgarian – he always tries to pay for all of you. If you invite a Bulgarian for dinner at your home – guaranteed he’ll come with food, drink and sweeties for kids.

See this? This is how special a gift can be from a person you’ve only seen once before, but who likes you as a friend from the very first meeting.

This book is handmade by Plamena, my new Bulgarian girl-friend, who I’ve met through Etsy website. She is a graphic artist, she hand-makes paper and uses it for lots of handmade projects.

I am also into “handmaking” and I am going to make her a handmade gift. But shshshsh… it’s a secret!

01 September 2010

A Try at Scuba Diving

Six weeks ago I met my cousin Dean who I hadn't seen for 22/23 years. Wow we had loads of catching up.
He has a home in Medovo Bulgaria. This time I met his brother Lee my other cousin I hadn't seen for 24 or so years. Unbelievable how you lose contact with family and friend with life changes.
I was so happy to meet these friends again after so long. They visited us in Pliska, Bulgaria at our home, they loved it, the country lifestyle, relaxed calm and peacefull.
Before they came to visit us in Pliska we went to thier home in Medovo nr. Burgas.
A nice place and not too far from the coast.
My family have their own swimming pool so we decide before setting off there to surprise them and take my Scuba Diving Kit for them to try diving.
This is the photos of them underwater..They loved it... Happy days for scuba Diving...

On the left photo my cousin Lee Martin & right photo my cousin Dean's daughter Jessica..Well done guys..

A Story of one (number 9) out of the Million Pillowcases

The beginning of the Million Pillowcases Story is in the blogpost below. And it is continuing with one very special pillowcase.

Krivondela, who could not come to the meeting, used this Etsy Event as a reason to go to see her aunty, who is disable from birth, and to gift her this specially made pillowcase.

Aunty was very happy to see her niece, but the pillowcase got the tightest hugs!

Just look how her aunty is happy!